So I bought an Ozark Trail 10×20 canopy from walmart for my daughter’s booth this year at the local Apple Festival. Unfortunately two brackets on the canopy broke the first time that we put it up. I bought the thing on clearance and was debating on returning it and getting a new one. But the brackets are so cheesy I thought that this might be a good job for the 3dprinter. So I fired up fusion and made these little brackets. Now the two of them that were broken have been replaced and I have made a few extras just in case more of them break later.
Here is the canopy on clearance with sides and all in case anyone is curious.
The print is done in ABS at a fast speed so there are some layer lines. But if anyone else ends up needing them the file is attached here.
On thingiverse. –
On My Mini Factory –×20-canopy-truss-support-102476
Also if you don’t have a printer and want to buy the part please go to our Shop at this link. Or check out them for sale on E-Bay